Boys Athletics
The Benold Middle School boys' athletics program has very simple but lofty goals for our athletes. First, we want to produce young men of integrity. We want our athletes to be the young men who make the right choices when faced with decisions, on the field, in the classroom, and anywhere else they would find themselves. Second, we strive to get our athletes out of their comfort zone in order to see what great things they can accomplish through hard work and sacrifice. Only by working harder than we ever have will we achieve more than we ever have. Third, we want these middle school athletes to have an opportunity to grow into young men in an exciting environment that will guide them in a direction where they will eventually become the best sons, husbands, and fathers they can be. It is critical in today's culture that they see these roles as the most important roles that they will have in their lives.
James Hammack-Campus Athletic Coordinator
Jerry Esquivel
Matthew Allensworth
Tyler Noles
Use this link to make sure your athlete is ready to participate in athletics. Remember, they need all 4 items completed before they can practice and/or compete for us. Physicals must be dated after 5/1 to be used for the next school year.