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General Information

Welcome to the Benold Lady Bear Athletic program!  This is an overview of our athletic program. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Physical Forms/RankOne:  Athletes must have ALL REQUIREMENTS including Rank One online forms, as well as a current physical submitted through Rank One before school starts.  You must also pay $8.00 catastrophic insurance for the year… The GHS trainers are the only ones who will CLEAR you for participation.

Practice/Workout Clothes: Workout clothes can be purchased through the Benold MS Girls Athletics program.  You will need the Lady Bear athletic work out t-shirt and shorts every day for class.  Socks, tennis shoes, and a water bottle will be needed every day as well.

Teams:  All athletes are encouraged to try out for any sport they are interested in. Tryouts for volleyball, tennis, basketball, and soccer will be held prior to each season.  There are no tryouts for cross country, powerlifting, and track.

Volleyball:  Volleyball tryouts will be held on August 16, 19, and 20. Seventh graders will tryout at 7:30am on Friday and 8:00am on Monday and Tuesday.  Eighth graders will stay after school until 5:15pm all three days.  Matches for volleyball will be on Thursday evenings. We will participate in two tournaments.

Basketball:  Basketball tryouts will take place after volleyball season.  Tryouts will follow the same procedure as volleyball…7th grade before school, 8th grade after school.  Games will be on Monday/Thursday with a couple of games on Wednesday evenings.  Teams will participate in two tournaments.

Cross Country:  Cross Country will begin August 21, 2024.  Practices will be held at 7:00am.  Races are on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings.  There will be one competition per week.  Additional information about practices will be handed out the first week of school.

Power Lifting: (November-Mid December) Athletes will attend practice before or after school.  Athletes will participate in 2-3 meets and compete in the bench press and squat.

Track:  Track begins the week after basketball season is completed.  All athletes are asked to participate in track.  Positions for meets are earned through time trials/jumps/throws. 

Soccer:  Soccer tryouts will be held at the end of March.  Games will go through April and May and are on Thursdays.  There will be one Friday B Team tournament and one Friday A Team tournament.

District Competition:  Our athletic district includes Georgetown ISD (Benold, Forbes, Tippit and Wagner) and will also include Elgin MS, Hutto MS, Farley MS, Gus Almquist MS, Liberty Hill MS, and Santa Rita MS.

Missed Practices/Competitions:  Missed practices and competitions must be made up.  You will receive a copy of the GISD Lady Bear Middle School Guidelines concerning missed practices and competitions.  Please read it carefully.  If you do not understand it, please see a coach.  Remember that you cannot miss a practice or competition during volleyball, basketball, or soccer to participate in an outside sport.

Volunteer/Background Check: PLEASE go on-line to the GISD website and complete the volunteer background check. Any parents who volunteer in any way during games, tournaments, etc. must complete the form.  All parents will be asked to help in some way during the year.  This must be done every year, so if you did this last year, you must do it again for the coming school year, unless you are a GISD employee.  Learn more and register today at:

Athletic Bags: Athletes are welcome to bring personal athletic bags to school. Your bag must be secured in your locker. You will not be permitted to leave bags unsecured in the locker room during the school day.

Bring Your Own Device: If a student must bring their device into the locker room, then it must be turned off and it is the student’s responsibility to secure it in their locker.  The coaching staff and school are not responsible.